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See In A New Way

"See in a new way" is Lensbaby's mantra, which I completely endorse. They produce great lenses to capture the dreamy and creative side of life. I am so eager to use my Lensbaby lenses to photograph spring flowers, but Saturday the weather was rainy. As a compromise, I decided to take only my iPhone and my Lensbaby mobile lenses to see what I could do.

The system is easy to use. Just slip the casing over the phone and attach one of the lenses. They are light, so I carried the extra one in my pocket. The LM-20 produces a large sweet spot of focus surrounded by blur. I processed this in Lightroom and added a soft texture to the border to give it more grain.

I found, however, that I enjoyed using the LM-30. It takes a sharp, clear circular image surrounded by repeated reflections. I liked this swirl of green.

And this mailbox never looked better!

I love taking photos of flowers and this daffodil bed certainly is a signal that spring is almost here. After taking this image with the LM-30, I processed it in Lightroom adding a texture to soften the border flowers.

As I walked around the hill, I played with taking photos of signs. Rhinestone Rosie is a fun store, and I think the LM-30 made the sign even more brilliant.

And how about a cupcake?

Since most of us have our phones with us, we can always capture images along our walks. I encourage you to experiment with mobile lenses, such as Lensbaby's, to add more creativity to your photos. We love to hear from you, so comment below, post on our Facebook page, or send us an email. Happy Camera Walking!

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