Scavenger Hunting With A Camera
Summer is such a great time to have everyone get active with their cameras. One of the great things to do with a camping group, a family reunion, or just a group of parents and kids is to enjoy a sunny afternoon by going on a PHOTO SCAVENGER HUNT!
Here are the rules for this fun adventure. They are easy to adapt to your situation and setting. We used this at a Family Summer Camp and it was a great hit!
Welcome to our Photo Scavenger Hunt! The hunt will last one hour, accumulate as many points as you can!
--All items must belong to a camper not on your team.
--People for the tasks must not be on your team.
--All photos must include every member of your team minus one photo taker (no splitting up.)
--All photos must be taken on the same device.
--You may not use the same item/person for multiple tasks.
--All photos are fair game for the slideshow!
-One quick reminder: Be respectful. Some tasks will require that you take photos with other campers and/or their belongings; please be sure to get permission before entering any private areas, touching/moving anything, or including someone in your photo. And remember, people may be sleeping!
Everyone gathers and forms their teams with 5-6 on the team and one camera. Some fun photos came out of the adventures of each team AND they all got great exercise! They definitely were walking at a fast pace and just stopped long enough to get the picture!
Here are some of the items we had on our list for the teams. You can get as creative as you want to make the hunt competitive and interesting.
For 1 point, here were a few finds:
A red fire hydrant…
Someone riding in an electric cart…
A bridge you can’t drive over…
Everyone in a boat…
You can get 2 points for some harder thing to find:
A slide full of kids…
An artist working on a painting…
For 3 points, the items were quite challenging:
Everyone on top of a stump…
The clock tower at 2:45 pm…
A bearded man…
It was so much fun to see the creativity that each team used to get their photos for the challenge. And, you can really create your hunt just for your group!
We hope you are having a wonderful summer with your family and friends. Taking your camera out on a walk, to play a game, or just having it along “in case you see something” gives you an incentive to get moving and observe the adventures of life!! Have fun in the sun as you go CameraWalking!