What Does Photography Mean to You?
After reading a blog post recently on what it means to "take photos from the heart," I started to think more about my photography, what it means to me, and what I do to ensure that I capture images that I love. I had never really thought about this until I participated in a workshop led by Rick Sammon who asked us "what does photography mean to you?" Like most of the participants I was taken off guard, but thoughts such as, "capturing beauty, freezing the moment, and freedom from everyday events" emerged. Not all that poetic, but as I have continued to reflect on the question I get more insight as to why I am so passionate about photography and Camera Walking in particular.
Learning to see: I know that I see the world differently now that I am a photographer. I see things that I would often walk by and not notice. As Dorothea Lange, an influential American documentary photographer and photojournalist, best known for her Depression-era work, said, "A camera teaches you how to see without a camera." That has certainly been my experience. There are seldom days that I don't notice the clouds when I am walking or driving somewhere. Hopefully I have a camera ready, but regardless I appreciate the beauty.
Following your instincts: I have learned that when I see something that catches my eye to stop and look. There is almost always a photo there to discover. Yousful Karsh, an Armenian-Canadian portrait photographer, once said "Look and think before opening the shutter. The heart and mind are the lens of the camera."
Being in the moment: Taking photos focuses my mind and pulls me into myself. Although I enjoy Camera Walking with friends, I find that walking alone with my camera is a form of meditation. I am mindful of my surroundings. I am just walking and looking for photos. Annie Leibovitz, a well-known portrait photographer, said, "The camera makes you forget you're there. It's not like you are hiding but you forget, you are just looking so much."
Exploring and having fun: Ultimately the best experience is when I take photos that challenge me to try something different - to open myself to discovery. Workshops and photo challenges can certainly do that, but I find that walks around my neighborhood, exploring new or different places for images, or experimenting with a different lens helps me grow. I was heartened by a quote I read from Steve McCurry, a photojournalist best known for his photo of Afghan Girl. He shared, "My life is shaped by the urgent need to wander and observe, and my camera is my passport." For me, that is what Camera Walking is about - wandering and capturing images that I observe along the way.
What does photography mean to you? Share your thoughts with us below, on our Facebook page, or via email at getmoving(at)camerawalking.com. We would love to hear from you.