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CameraWalking Is Stepping Out!

CameraWalking just had a great weekend! We were featured at Drees in Olympia at the Fall Arts Walk and it was very successful. Next time you visit Olympia in Thurston County, be sure to make a visit to Drees. They have amazing gifts, decor, furnishings, and treasures in their shop!

Thanks to the Arts Walk, we have found lots of new people that are very interested in CameraWalking. We want to welcome you to this movement of "taking a daily walk with your camera for better health, fitness, and creativity".

As we spoke to people, we realized there is a real demand for workshops that will help Camera Walkers enjoy, organize, utilize, and edit their pictures. We have written several past blogs on several of these subjects and we want to share some great sites with you that we find very useful. We will send out notices of future workshops, but this will give you a start.

Google Photos is a great way to organize your photos and enjoy some great coaching on displaying and using your photos. You can also do some good editing with this app.

Picasa is a good online, free app (also from Google) that works very well for simple and effective editing and organizing. The reason I like to recommend Picasa is it really gets you started with the idea of taking your photos to the next step and you don't have to spend money to use it. It has been around quite awhile and is very reliable.

Snapseed is another great program for general editing on your smart phone. It is really fun to use and you can quickly make a difference in the presentation of a photo, on the spot! You can go to your Itunes Store or Google Play and download this great app.

Adobe Photoshop Elements 14 is out and it is a very cost-effective way to really start working with Adobe products that are very powerful. The great thing about "dipping into the editing experience" with this software is you can use it for both organizing and editing.

If you choose to move into even more extensive editing and organizing, we both recommend Photoshop Lightroom. You will find that all the work you have done in Elements will move easily into Lightroom. You can get Lightroom as either an installed program for Apple or PC or subscribe to the Photoshop/Lightroom Creative Cloud.

We want to thank all our wonderful subscribers for joining us on our CameraWalking movement and welcome everyone that has recently become interested. Be sure to check out our previous blog posts for lots of tips, photographs, and thoughts about CameraWalking!

We also have a very active Facebook page! We have been busy posting for quite awhile. If you scroll through the page, you will see lots of activity and helpful tips. We would really love it if you would "Like" us on Facebook...and, please feel free to share photos on our page. We love to see where people are walking; how they see the world as they walk; and how creative they are getting with their photos!

CameraWalking is on the move! We will be sharing new things with you over the next few months, so stay "tuned". Please don't hesitate to leave us questions and comments or send us an email at . We look forward to hearing from you.

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